Tuesday, 10 June 2008

When Churchill met Montgomery

As readers will have gathered, Alf is losing his memory but some of his photo's speak a thousand words.

This was taken by Alf, at the exact moment Sir Winston Churchill first shook hands with Field Marshall Montgomery after he arrived in the desert. The faces on the soldiers behind show what a moment this must have been for them all, ducking under the shadows of the wing of the plane he arrived on...

Friday, 1 February 2008

Maybe more soon

Unfortunately and sadly, Alf is now suffering from early to mid stages of demencia. I will try my best to catch some more of his stories, he has promised to find more diaries for me to post.

Some days he is totally coherent and is like he should be, other days, he is simply too forgetful to know if he has even drunk a cup of tea (normally the cup is in his hand)..

I hope to post some more soon.