Saturday 10 March 2007

My First Post...87 Years Young!!

My Grandson decided to do this for me. I don't really know what computers do!!

So with a little help from my family, I am going to try to tell my we really lived it..

I won't be typing on that computer thing, my family will be doing all of that, I do sometimes forget things but I never forget the War. I loved every minute of it, yes it was bloody hard, we lived each day as it was our last, but it made men of us.

My first story is to tell you about the Second World War.

So to start today, here is a picture of me and the "boys"


News Update said...


I like your blog. I have lots of relatives who lived through the war either in the forces or in civvy street.
I think it is very important that my generation - I was born in the 1960s - hear your stories. I'll be sure to come back and visit your site again.

Keep up the good work


Anonymous said...

This is such a great idea for a blog. My Mum and Dad were children in Europe during the war and they never speak about it.